That wind was not kidding around!
Here I sit on a snowy Wednesday night in our new kitchen in Saratoga, super thankful that our home’s previous owners left these chairs (my only furniture beyond the Tuft and Needle bed-in-a-box) – thinking, “whew, what a lot of ground we’ve covered since the flowers-on-stage moment at TechBUZZ last week!”
While there are a whole flurry of fun highlights to share since my last post on Saturday (see below – in photos), I have been trying to think about the bigger lessons I’m meant to learn from all this amazing activity of the past few days. It’s really like the clog has cleared… and, wow, the pace has picked up dramatically. I guess that’s how it happens, you push, push, and push, and then it all just “gives way”. As for a lesson, I did feel my first glimmer of proof that decision-making is like so many things, easier when practiced often. That muscle seems to be getting some serious reps of late, from the purchase of the new Berry ‘Bu (see fun new red car below) to the selection of carpet for the bedrooms, it’s fun to flex this one and see the results – deciding can be fun!
Another observation is simply how nice it is to be just fully focused on one thing – albeit a multi-faceted thing – but one in which all the subtasks are all related to one larger objective. In my case, the new house/the new life. The juggling and the spinning of many disparate and unrelated plates, and trying to manage all the communication around each, is just no fun – and not particular efficient or effective (more on those two words one day…). Having dedicated two full days to “the project” it’s been just amazing how much I’ve been able to accomplish – and I think one “secret ingredient” is that you can get in a groove of calls, emails and lists if they are all around one theme, because each item sort of reinforces the other. Talking to one person makes you think of other things related and helpful. Ah focus – what a wonderful, alien and amazing thing you are.
Hoping to apply this magic wand to a MAVA project tomorrow on my first official “snow day” up here – 12 inches expected tonight!
So before I sign off – the highlight reel. A myriad of major & marvelous moments over the past few days. Grateful for each and every one!