We’re really rolling now!

That wind was not kidding around!

Here I sit  on a snowy Wednesday night in our new kitchen in Saratoga, super thankful that our home’s previous owners left these chairs (my only furniture beyond the Tuft and Needle bed-in-a-box) – thinking, “whew, what a lot of ground we’ve covered since the flowers-on-stage moment at TechBUZZ last week!

While there are a whole flurry of fun highlights to share since my last post on Saturday (see below – in photos), I have been trying to think about the bigger lessons I’m meant to learn from all this amazing activity of the past few days. It’s really like the clog has cleared… and, wow, the pace has picked up dramatically.  I guess that’s how it happens, you push, push, and push, and then it all just “gives way”.  As for a lesson, I did feel my first glimmer of proof that decision-making is like so many things, easier when practiced often.  That muscle seems to be getting some serious reps of late, from the purchase of the new Berry ‘Bu (see fun new red car below) to the selection of carpet for the bedrooms, it’s fun to flex this one and see the results – deciding can be fun!

Another observation is simply how nice it is to be just fully focused on one thing – albeit a multi-faceted thing – but one in which all the subtasks are all related to one larger objective. In my case, the new house/the new life.   The juggling and the spinning of many disparate and unrelated plates, and trying to manage all the communication around each, is just no fun – and not particular efficient or effective (more on those two words one day…).  Having dedicated two full days to “the project” it’s been just amazing how much I’ve been able to accomplish – and I think one “secret ingredient” is that you can get in a groove of calls, emails and lists if they are all around one theme, because each item sort of reinforces the other. Talking to one person makes you think of other things related and helpful.  Ah focus – what a wonderful, alien and amazing thing you are.

Hoping to apply this magic wand to a MAVA project tomorrow on my first official “snow day” up here – 12 inches expected tonight!

So before I sign off – the highlight reel. A myriad of major & marvelous moments over the past few days.  Grateful for each and every one!

Beautiful Book Club Celebration – XXOO
Savoring a Sunday session with Ganesh
Sunrise over the Potomac on a Big Day!
Sunrise at Waterfront Park on Monday AM – beginning of a big day!


A Timely Message on a First Day of the New Chapter – doorway in Old Town
Closing one door – goodbye to the Trusty KIA, sniff!
Welcoming the Berry ‘Bu to the family!
She needs to know we take alot of selfies…
Waking up in the new house – sunrise over the trees
Guessing this is pretty much the new norm.
Good morning house!
Sun rising over the backstretch – morning walk, with Megerly (by phone)
There she is – basking in the sun.
First friend across the transom… welcome Kathy O!
Day 2… a little snowier!
If I don’t walk when it snows, I won’t walk much!
Union Ave in the snow!
Hooray! Everybody, meet marvelous Joanne – my amazing real estate agent and new friend!!
The ‘bu in the barn. Heading out to try those made snow skillz.
She’s so pretty…’bu butt.
There it is – the motto for which we’ve moved!
Settling in for a cozy night while the big snow falls…
We’ll see what tomorrow brings!

Flowers, Friends & a Fierce Wind – a lovely finish

Another Big Week!

Perhaps best shared in photos (below) and a few reflections…above all I am feeling so much better, lighter, super-energized and excited to really & truly dive in to all that lies ahead. With March roaring in like a lion, I am feeling like the universe is pushing us forward with a huge burst of energy, into this next phase. Here we go!

My big takeaway from all the wonderful not-goodbye-but-farewell-for-now moments over the past week  is the sense of relief and peace with the quiet closure they have brought me.  I’m grateful that the terrible loss that gripped me that weekend that we accepted the offer on our house has not returned (yet). While I suspect that feeling will be back with the packing & finality if our  last days in Old Town on the horizon, but perhaps not for a few more weeks, and most of all this week was free from drama & anguish. Yay!

It was just really good to close some doors and finish some things that have taken a huge amount of energy to manage.  I have been trying so hard to close the doors gently & gracefully, while holding back tumultuous waves of emotion broiling just below the surface.  On this breezy Saturday, the image in my head is of a pilot of a big 747 landing at Dulles on a clear, sunny and super windy day – trying to keep the descent smooth as the passengers look out the windows at the pretty, peaceful scenery on a seemingly perfect day, but knowing it takes a huge amount of strength, grit, focus and a bit of luck to stick the landing. What a great feeling when those wheels kiss the ground in a solid & safe & soft “thump”.  That’s me.

I am just so glad that month of wind-down is behind me knowing I did my best.  I surely could’ve managed many things better, and I know there will be more rough patches ahead, but in the land of 80/20, we’re now into the 80% of our/my energy going into making, building and creating the new chapter and (hopefully) 20% on closing out this one.

My thanks to so many for making this past week so special –

* Starting with Julia!  Such a good friend, partner, supporter and colleague.  I know how hard this whole long journey as been for her and she’s been nothing but kind, supportive and infinitely patient. I am so fortunate to have her in my life.

* The marvelous MAVA team – Bennett, Jason, Dan and Brija... love these peeps. So grateful for their contributions to our TechBUZZ event this week, and their support for me throughout the craziness of these past months. And for the lovely flowers & fabulous photos, memories I’ll cherish always.

* My beloved “Boss”, Paul Grossman, from my wonderful days at the VEDP. So kind to take me to lunch this week, amidst the crazy, and share his support and encouragement for this adventure we’re leaping into. What a treat!

* Special work friends Jim K, Nancy and Chris for joining in the decadent & yummy celebratory lunch at Bombay Club – what a wonderful way to finish the big week.

* Awesome Dr. Ana – acupuncture, eastern medicine, grounding guidance and insights into the power of a clear postulate. The best Happy Hour in town… cherishing a few last Fridays at the Blue House.

* Ending with Julia, for 7 intense, rewarding, challenging and amazing years of pulling rabbits out of hats and making meaningful connections among a really great community of people.   I’ve cherished our time together, I’ve learned alot, I’ve grown stronger, and I’m so excited about what the future holds for us beyond these MAVA days.

A few of the week’s highlights in photos –

TechBUZZ Spring 2018
Fabs Flowers from UrbanStems – Flower Selfie with CEO Ajay Kori
The Team – love this photo! (Julia, Bennett, Brija, Jason & Chris)
You know I gotta have my Team Selfie! XO
The Bombay Club Lunch Bunch – Bennett, Jim, Julia, Nancy, Jason & Chris. Such fun!
A few snaps from the desk, not my quite my last day.. but still the end of an era.
My plants loved this nook.
Soaking in these gorgeous scenes around DC as fully as I can. Soft spot always for TJ.
Beautiful Dr. Ana – her support, guidance & wisdom have contributed so much to my health & approach to this journey. Grateful for her!

Pink, Blue and a Wave of Lasts (and Firsts)

Misty morning at my usual sunrise spot


Waterfront park.. in the mist
Oh heck, why not!

Good Morning Friends!

It’s a misty spring-like Sunday here in Old Town, one might say dreary, but I’m determined to shake the funk I let settle in yesterday.   I’m so grateful for the fact that I’m getting one more season with my beloved redbud tree – the pink flowers out our living room window are truly one of my favorite features of this house. A lovely gift from 301 S Henry to kickoff this season of “lasts”. Sigh

So, from the excitement of closing on Madison Street last Friday, the roller coaster of a cosmically timed offer & contract on S Henry Street last weekend, we finished this week with the ugly, no-fun, reality of  a long list of requests from our possible buyers following the inspection.  Ugh.  If that wasn’t enough to put me into full-tilt blues, I don’t know what would be. I’m fighting to control my bitter-betty instincts about these buyers, and I am grateful that B is stepping in to be the voice of reason as we work through these last icky steps in the journey.   As far as this transaction goes, my only comment for now is “we’ll see”.

On to other more (possibly?) interesting topics – what a week it was!  After all the hubbub of the week before the close, the travel and then spending our first night in the new house it was such a relief to share the story with a very special group of friends via the “soft-launch” of Maven and Magpie as began our trip “home” last Sunday.  Even that word is going to get a bit complicated over the days ahead  – because we sort of have two right now. Hopefully only briefly!

I’m so very grateful for the kind notes from each of you and I’ll likely do something with the wonderful words you each sent via email… just so I have them to encourage me as the going gets tougher, as I know it’s sure to do.  (And, as a gentle note – I’d welcome a first comment or two via the blog, if you’re comfortable with your kind words living on the web forever :-)).  By sharing the blog, I feel like I’m able to convey the whole context of the move in a way that a few rambling words in an email will be hard to do – although I think I need to write a draft of that email today, for the list of work-related folks who have no idea I’m making this move, but whom I wish to share it with.. if not in quite as much detail as you indulgent few might enjoy.

The return to reality on Monday was not easy, as Mondays  rarely are. It was likely my second-to-last Monday at the office in Arlington, so that was something to celebrate, but the grind of preparations for my last TechBUZZ are fairly merciless… just trying to keep nose to grindstone, while my heart and head are really looking past the 28th an into the exciting, but totally terrifying, new world that awaits me when this month is done.   I’m definitely feeling the strain of living what sort of feels like a double life – moving ahead with the move, sharing the news with friends, and trying to get the big transition project underway, while as much as possible acting like nothing’s happening at work. It’s pretty bizarre, and definitely exhausting.  I’m sure I’ll look back and wonder why I did it this way – and the only answer is the hard truth that I’m rather hopelessly a pleaser, and this is what was asked of me, so I did it – and I’ve possibly foregone the process of saying goodbye to alot of people I’ve known for a very, very long time. I almost said the “normal process”, but even I know there can’t really be a normal for leaving, uprooting, moving. While people absolutely do it all the time there simply isn’t a recipe for this, so I am just going to embrace that this is the way I’m doing it – and it will be what it will be.

A quick recap of the “lasts” that began this week – before I sign off for today.

  • Tuesday – My last (for a while!) Book Club visit with the girls – delighted to have been able to drop in for the late shift at Kendra’s on Tuesday, exploiting the fact that I have such a dear friend just a few blocks away and could drop in for wine and wonderful conversation with a gaggle of my favorite women after my Carpenters’ Bobcat Dinner.  This sort of easy access to dearest friends is something I’m so grateful for, cherishing and also accutely aware will take a long time to replace. Sniff!
  • Wednesday – My last WAABA Executive Committee Meeting on Wednesday – I’d sent notes to Dean Pulley and Paul Saville to formally convey my “resignation” due to my move, but this meeting was the first time I’d actually gone through the in-person process of being recognized in a group (not of girlfriends or family) for my departure.  It was very kind of Paul to say some nice words about me, and then he turned to me to share a brief recap of what we were doing.  Thank goodness for Maven & Magpie, I basically went with my “home page” verbage… and I guess it pretty much worked. 🙂  It was both a first and a last, and it also reminded me that my ties to W&M will be a wonderful network to tap in to once I’m in NY.  Something I definitely want to make the most of. Go Tribe
  • Thursday – My last (at least in person) Carpenters Shelter Development Committee meeting – while I plan to remain very involved in our big fundraising campaign, and to stay on the CS board as long as I can contribute, I do not expect to stay active in the working development committee for too much longer (or not past the cookoff & Spring to action) as I shift my energies to local Saratoga organizations. So, it was a pleasure to be there with the Dev Committee one last time, to again share my story – but also to affirm my continued participation from  a far. The Slow Fade  – that seems to be my M.O.
  • Saturday – My last (probably) volunteer stint at Carpenters Shelter – and I made it a first too!  While I don’t think I can allocate the 4 hours to the CS front desk when I’m feeling my moments in my beloved home are growing too few, I feel drawn to give as much as I can to this place that has been so important to me over my nearly 10 years in Old Town. So, I decided to try something new – to volunteer at David’s Place, where Carpenters provides the only daytime, drop in shelter for the chronically homeless in the City of Alexandria.  Really, I didn’t do much “volunteering” (although I did a fine job organizing the supply cabinet, I suppose), but I mostly soaked up the time with Sharon the David’s place monitor – an amazing woman – and listening and learning about the ebbs & flows of the diverse community of individuals who rely on David’s place as they navigate their lives.  I’m going to “put a pin” in the idea of writing about what I learned yesterday, certainly more interesting and meaningful than this me-me-me nonsense, but also something I might do better when I’m able to focus & think a bit more.
  • Saturday – My last (likely) leisurely Saturday on the couch at S Henry.  It was wonderful to be home, unscheduled and able to just sink in (and yes, wallow a little) on my couch, with the kitties, the fireplace, my book (Book Club on March 6th in SAratoga – I’m ready!), and time to just be in this home that I love.  Yes, I was pretty blue, I napped alot, I dodged some phone calls I should’ve made or taken, but I also just decided to BE… and waking up today, I’m glad I did.

So, here we go – one of my last Sundays at this home.  I decided to no longer be blue, and it seems to have worked.  I woke up fairly early, went for a nice walk in the misty morning, enjoyed a foggy froggy visit to the river and then settled in the Starbucks at Union & King to finish my book about President Garfield and do a few thank yous, before stopping by LPQ for my beloved chia pudding to take home.   And here I am!

A big week ahead – my last TechBUZZ, my last days at MAVA and who knows what else.

Thanks so much for listening.


Maggie and the Redbud… do you see where my inspiration for the M&M logo came from?
Better view of the Redbud.


Maven and Magpie – Soft Launch: Feb 18, 2018

Good morning Dear Friends!

I’m sending this note to a special handful of the beloved, lovely, wonderful, supportive and possibly indulgent friends who may find the “story” of our move to Saratoga of interest.  I’ve decided to write a blog about it, and I’ve named it Maven and Magpie.

The website is: www.mavenandmagpie.blog  

It should show up in WordPress, if you search for it… I’m still figuring things out and Meg is providing invaluable assistance :-).  Consider it a “baby blog” as it’s still very much in it’s infancy.

My main inspiration for doing this is to have a place to park my feelings and experiences along this winding road. It’s basically an online diary (with photos and links), that may be fun to look back on as we get through the year ahead.  Plus, when I’m up in Saratoga starting from scratch in building a new life, this sort of gives me a way to talk to each of you and let you know how I’m doing. My plan is to give it a year and stick to it, with at least one post a week, just to see where it takes me.

Besides the journaling exercise, the website gives me a place to park a bunch of other things I like to share (and you know I like to share.. that’s why I’m the Magpie!) – projects, causes, photos, events… travel & restaurant recommendations, and who knows what else.  Sort of like my personalized FB page… with the benefit of a restart on who I overshare with. Lucky you!

A special shout out to Meg and Jean who each played a key role in my decision to launch this little project.  If you find it at all entertaining, thank them! If you find it totally self-absorbed and silly, blame me… I’m an only child, you know I can’t help myself!

Big hugs to each of you!

And then came the tears

The first of many in front of our new front door!

So  many cliches come to mind “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it” , “when it rains it pours”, “it’s all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out”… ok, maybe not that last one, but really, I feel like there must be some old adage that captures me and all my crazy over the past few days.

The good news – we are being overrun with good news. The great news – the maven, while trying to find something helpful to say to the sobbing mess that was me for most of yesterday, actually referred to the influence of karma and the bigger picture. That really made me happy and it may have gotten me through the worst of my tidal wave of sadness (at least yesterday).

Sadness, you ask?  What happened? Didn’t you just close on the house you are so excited about in the town you’ve been dreaming of for years… isn’t this exactly what you wanted. What’s your problem? All good questions!  In a word, reality, that’s what happened.

As I may have mentioned, as we were driving up the Northway (have confirmed the nomenclature with the locals at our closing), we received an offer on Henry Street.   It was, without a doubt, absolutely perfect timing – if we could’ve written the script, we would have walked in to our close on Madison Street with a offer in hand. And that’s exactly what we did. Grateful, fortunate, lucky us! Crazy in fact!

So, we walked out of our very happy, successful and delightfully uneventful closing process with keys in hand to our new home, our new life, and within 30 minutes we were on the phone with our agent in Alexandria talking through their offer and working on our counter.  Nothing to complain about, but so totally not what I thought we’d be doing to celebrate the first minutes/hours of our new status as homeowners in the Empire State. And you know, I like things in a certain order… and this was not that order.  So, we got that launched, and then celebrated with a drink a the bar at Chianti’s (we’d never been in the “new” location) and dinner at Henry Street Taproom (a fave – that scotch egg, it’s  winner).   As a sidenote, which only added to our sense of “this is a good thing”, we love the fact that we popped in no less than 4 totally packed bars (Max London’s, Wheatfields, Boca, Druther’s ) before landing in our happy spot at Chianti’s . This at 5:30 on a friday – the people in this town, they get Happy Hour, the seem to take it seriously. We think it’s awesome  – especially in the middle of Feb!

Anyhoo, I was happy on Friday – although pretty much exhausted, and much to the maven’s dismay, not visibly excited about the whole offer situation.  Numb was probably the right word, and it went downhill from there.   We got their counter to our counter, and I realized that was pretty much it – we were about to go under contract, and this whole happy dance of a magical move to Saratoga was about to turn into a much dreaded, postponed and in-denial process of saying goodbye to a home I love, a neighborhood I love, and a departure from a place where I’ve been very, very happy for 25 years.   I think I’ve been doing a darn good job putting all that sadness in a sack, and accepting this offer launched the start of the tidal wave.  While it was easy to use the details of the negotiation as the excuse for my total lack of joy about achieving the one, critically important piece of this puzzle, but I think the two key drivers are: I fundamentally love my house so much that I don’t think it’s being sold for what it’s worth (insert another cliche here) and much more fundamentally, this contract means my life in Alexandria is now to be measured in weeks and days.  My acute sadness is the simply measure of  how very, very happy I’ve been in our home and in our life in Old Town and in the DC area for all these years.

The poor Maven is miserable – he doesn’t know what to do with me. He keeps looking at my hopefully like “are you over it yet?”  I’m trying to just get him prepared for a lot of tears… I’ve honestly shed very few so far (by my standards & with a few notable breakdowns along the way), but I think that as exciting as this adventure will be – we’ve now entered the dark phase, and I think I just have to be a little miserable to mourn all that I’m leaving behind.  Of course I’ll come back, and I will not lose my friends, but there’s simply an end of an era that I’m going to have to process and grieve.  It won’t be pretty and I know it makes me look like an ingrate, but I don’t think skipping this part is an option.  I’m going to do my best to do it with grace and minimal number of moments I regret.

While it’s usually one door closes and another opens, for us, we’ll first be closing one beloved door before we open the next – which awaits us at The Spa.

Celebratory Cocktails at Chianti
Our new home – 123 Madison Street!

Butterflies and Breathing… a Big Day Ahead

Good Morning! Happy Friday & Greetings from Saratoga!

Arrived last night about 11pm, waking to a grey day here in our new hometown.  Lots of emotions rolling around… yesterday was quite a day.  I think the image that best captures how I’m feeling is this –

As I drove the last few hours of the trip, up 87 (will I learn to call it the Northway? ), with Bobby dosing in his post-flu weariness and my good Summer of 2017 upbeat playlist keeping me company, I was struck by just how far away our destination felt and how very, very dark it was on that road. On the other hand, it was a good road, peaceful, traffic was mild, conditions were good, but it just felt like I was singing my way toward another planet.   There was no way to avoid that feeling of.. what are we doing? where are we going?  what will we find when we get there?  In a word – butterflies.

I would clarify that there’s a big difference between butterflies and cold feet.Honestly we’re just way too far down this path for the feet to be an option and it’s not really been a challenge to keep them warm. I think the pride we feel in doing this is because we are totally focused on looking forward and not looking back.  We spent years hemming & hawing, so once we made the decision last Spring to take the leap, it’s not been about to do or not to do, but just how to do…totally focused on execution (yes, that’s kind of my thing). Now that the excitement, energy and anticipation of execution is all about to play itself out, the big looming thing is to try to envision what our new life will look like.

I think the emotion comes from the sudden change of gears.  It’s taken so much animated & intentional oomph to purposefully break out of the inertia of our comfy, lovely life in Alexandria – that I now realize that the other half of the arc, the landing and settling process will be one that sheer force of will can’t and won’t make happen. It’s like we shot a leaf out of a cannon, and now we just have to wait & watch as it slowly floats and ultimately drifts and lands in the spot where it wants to be. We can’t tell it where to go, how to float, or rush it along. We are the leaf! (Mike Svedruzic should love that)

I’ll tell ya on a mid-February night, with 3 feet of dirty snow, a lot of closed restaurants, some wan looking Christmas lights and an empty hotel lobby bar, it looks pretty different than our last visit. In fact, it looks a lot like real life.  Not bad, but not a picnic – and in our case, we’re planning to picnic in a place where we don’t know anyone and where we don’t yet have a sense of how we’ll fit our piece into the puzzle of a new community.

Just to add to emotional mashup of the trip, we had a note from our agent before we left Alexandria that an offer might be coming our way. At last, a first, and talk about timely. Wow. I think the mojo in our universe has kicked in to crazy high gear.  I’m looking at you Chinese New Year – Happy Year of the Dog! About now I would love to reach out to my friend Natasha to ask her what’s up with my numerology, because it sure feels like a big shift just happened. I guess that’s the dragon lurching!

So as we drove through the long dark tunnel from the bustle of the NYC/New Jersey section of the drive up the road toward Albany, and beyond, we were constantly checking the phone for news.  For me, it was a relief to know someone was really ready to speak up for our wonderful home, but also kind of that sense of “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.. we planned for this trip with the rather ill feeling of taking on two mortgages (not the ideal plan), and then as if on cue, we find that maybe not so much. We could actually go under contract to sell the Old Town house on the day we close on the Saratoga house… that’s just crazy, and I am now focusing on the breathing part. In fact, I think a yoga class tomorrow at my new studio, Yoga Mandali, is just what I need to stay in this moment. It’s all just going to play out the way it’s meant to play out, and while I put my postulate out there (thank you Dr. Ana) I’ve not really be in charge of any of this for quite some time.  It’s just gonna happen as it happens.

My dear friend Ellen has been sharing the same quote with me for many of the past months of this journey, and only today do I feel like it may have taken hold:

“That which is meant for you, will not go past you.” (OK grammarians, have at it… I’ll fix)

So here we go – big day ahead. Wish us luck!

And just like that….

Maggie & her Unicorn

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I imagine my penchant for remembering dates will always remember this Hallmark Holiday as the eve before the eve of our big day – the day we (hopefully!) become homeowners in Saratoga.  It doesn’t seem real yet – and for strange and inexplicable reasons we aren’t actually 100% confirmed to close on Friday, but we’re moving forward as if it’s going to happen.  Here’s hoping.

Isn’t funny how we humans can find a way to sort of grouse and whine about even those things we’ve absolutely, positively been wishing for all along?  It’s annoying really, and moreso when you hear yourself doing it. Thank goodness for patient, kind and forgiving friends who’ve been so sympathetic about my griping about the slow-roll we’ve been enduring for the past many weeks. And God love them for putting up with me when I then found it deep in my heart to dare complain when suddenly the whole process lurched forward this week and put me in the hot seat to finish “just one more thing” on the endless list of paperwork.   Really, I’m so glad we’re coming to the end of this particular stage of the journey, but it is just hard on the nerves to practice patience (poorly) for so long only to then feel rushed and harassed here at the end.  Ah well, these are problems one chuckles about when they are over.  Definitely the small stuff.

So, how do we feel about all of this? Hmmmm… excited for sure, but I think a little more incredulous still.  It’s literally the moment when our dreams and plans turn into our new reality – as residents of Saratoga Springs.   I guess I wonder how it will feel when we drive back “home” to Alexandria with the keys to our new life in our hand.  My guess is that it will mostly feel surreal… at least for a while. But the best kind of bizarre – the sort of “holy moly, what have we done?” kind.

Thought this was a timely quote to receive in my email today:

To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream. Not only plan but also believe.” Anatole France

For now, to think about what to bring in the car tomorrow.  Oh, and just in case, wish us luck!


Doldrums and Dragontails

So here we are, February 3rd and we find ourselves drifting forward – seeking to accept what we can’t control and to find ways to direct our energy into those things we can.  The struggle is real!  Certainly week by week, and often day by day, my mood rises & falls as we navigating this strange time.   The week of the 22nd was – thus far – the all time low of just complete doldrum-based depression.  No movement on our Alexandria house despite the decision to “improve” the price, and maddeningly slow progress on the seemingly short list of “to dos” to finish up the process on the Saratoga house.  While it is easy to blame the external things (aka real estate transactions) for my angst, I know it’s plain to all that my malaise was/is more rooted in the fundamentally unsettled state of affairs that has this girl-who-loves-a-plan (and a timeline and a goal) in a full blown funk.

The work situation is weird, by design, but inevitably awkward. It’s easy to lash out at those closest to us, so regrettably that’s what I guess was happening when I had my complete emotional meltdown at the office – uttering such unfortunate things as “I’m miserable here”, which are rather hard to put back in the bottle. Ugh.  Add to that a backdrop of day-long ugly crying, it was a redletter day of YUCK.  We are basically working with the understanding that my full-time role at MAVA will be done on Feb 28th, but we’re still not telling that to anyone – in the office, in our community, or even in my communication with all the people I’m working with in Saratoga on our new house. Nor do we have any clear outline of what the structure of my next role will be – and heaven forbid we actually talk about any of this or make a plan for transition.  The strain of that subterfuge is wearing me out. I’m far too much of a heart-on-my-sleeve type to manage this kind of complex coverup without some obvious cracking around the edges.

Meanwhile, my anxiety about what I’ll actually do with myself career-wise as of March 4th is pretty tremendous too.  My most coherent, but mostly unheard/unacknowledged, comment in the midst of my work meltdown was that by staying at MAVA these last two months (Jan & Feb) instead of moving on as I’d originally planned, may be a decision I acutely regret come March when my job search is barely out of Park when I need to be cruising along into a new gig kind of instantly.   It’s certainly no use critiquing this strategy now, but it is definitely not the well-planned, properly executed version of this transition that I’ve been telling to all those who are concerned about our decision to do this.  My working is a very key piece of this puzzle and, as as of today, I’m totally behind the 8 ball. Fun.

So, what to do?  Well, I have to say that I think I sort of had to wallow a little and let some tears out about this before I could move forward. It’s always a process for me, and I guess a little self-pity really does this body good sometimes. At least the tears release some of the pain, like squeezing the dirty water out of a dishtowel (yes, that’s my analogy of me as a dishtowel, pretty eh?).

Whether it was the tears, the yoga on Saturday AM, the increasing pace of action on the new house (tree & clear to close process), the distraction of work and other things (Anne’s bday party, worries about Dad)… and perhaps the power of the little red clay balls and the benefits of a scrub- within-an-inch-of-your-life by the funny & fierce ladies at Spa World, I made myself turn the corner last weekend.  Most of all I think the key was in finding things I could do, especially related to finding a new job that I will feel passionate and excited about, rather than focusing on how stuck and trapped I feel I am in a job where I am truly a short-timer and where I’m honestly just really, truly “done”. My heart is not in my work, and as someone who puts their full heart into their job, it’s a really an uncomfortable place to be. So – time to look up, raise my gaze and start seeking the next thing!

On Saturday (1/27) I dedicated myself to sending in at least one job application.  Sounded so easy, with all the links I’d saved in my LinkedIn Jobs App , until I ran straight into the buzzsaw of questions like “Tell us something unique about yourself in 150 characters or less – be creative”. Ack! Useful, but not easy!   Not to mention the one that wanted me to submit three examples of my work (PPT, Excel or Word) – no thanks, just not there yet.  I made myself focus on this one application all afternoon – even using some indirect approaches, like writing a cover letter to someone else about another long-shot-possible opportunity just to get the words flowing with my cover letter to a group of total strangers.   Wow, these are muscles I haven’t used in so long – the reality is I probably never ever had them.  Last time I had to introduce myself to a stranger to get a job was when I interviewed with a temp agency in DC in 1996. Rusty doesn’t start to describe my self-promotion skills.   OK, I’m listening to myself give you this blow by blow of my job search and even I’m finding it boring, so I promise I won’t take you through each application. But, as of the end of last weekend I had at least started a list of pro-active things I’d accomplished toward the goal of a new job. Yay!

And, I even came up with my less than 150 character thing… and I kind of like it:  “When my heart connects with a goal, I am undefatigable in my zeal to achieve it.”  Corny, yes, but it really does ring true. What do you think?

As for the dragontails, I finished this week with a wonderful visit to Dr. Ana my eastern medicine doctor and acupuncturist.  I shared with her my struggle through the doldrums and she said that Eastern Medicine would say that I am at the tail of the dragon.  While at the head you are thinking and planning, then you move down into the body where you are doing, acting, moving, processing, and then one day you are at the tail… waiting.  And then suddenly, the dragon moves and you are flying again.

There we are – on the tail of the dragon – holding on, trying to savor it, focusing on Exploit &  Explore and doing what we can, while waiting for this dragon to move forward in a lurch of motion which will set us flying toward the next phase, which I expect to be a full frenzy.  Bring it on!

Betwixt & Between

Ramble Alert: This one has been kicking around in my head all week and I’m hitting publish on a very rough first draft.  Hopefully I’ll come back to edit it, but I didn’t want to miss the moment. Good luck!

And then suddenly, a weird and sort of wonderful calm came over the process.

After nearly a year of pushing, thinking, pondering, considering, planning which started last January and picked up speed in April; after a Summer of imagining and envisioning; and then a super intense Fall dedicated to purging, fixing, painting and coordinating followed by an equally demanding season of communicating and, suddenly, negotiating.  And just like that we’ve woken up to the middle of January and found that there’s nothing more we can do, but wait and be.  It’s officially the season of Betwixt & Between – and it’s really strange, mostly pleasant, but nevertheless a little disorienting after all the frenzied, intentional, anti-inertia energy we’ve been investing in this journey for the past 12 months.

This pause in the action poses it’s own challenges.  There’s a great deal of relief in no longer being so very, somewhat terribly, “in charge” of this whole endeavor.  It’s also undeniably a gift of time, which I’m determined to make the most of, before the countdown clock begins again “for reels”. When it does, there will be no turning back. The clock will be ticking toward the end of a chapter that we have loved as we start one that we hope will be even better, but is rife with unknowns (both scary and exciting).  It’s very easy to complain about this strange interlude in the action, because it is such a time of waiting – and we tend to be impatient, us humans.  We like to complain about all that we must do, and then just as quickly we find ourselves tempted to (and falling to temptation) complain when there’s nothing we can do. Funny, eh?

Above all, I think this in between time is something very special and rare, which we must try very, very hard to savor… even if it’s hard to really, truly, totally enjoy.  When I think about all the months, years and countless hours I spent contemplating how to move on to the next chapter and I remember how hard it was to get things rolling… I am really grateful for the fact that we’re now definitely on the “other side” where the train has absolutely left the station and is rolling along on it’s own, at it’s own pace, and we’re now just passengers looking out the window – wondering when we’ll get there, but with no influence whatsoever on the engine or the timetable.

One of our favorite quotes here at Maven & Magpie comes from a chief that Bobby knew in his Navy days… this guy made such an impression on Bobby that I feel like I was there for the lecture (even though it happened years before we met).  The message of this Chief was one single truth: You Always Have  Choice.   I absolutely love this phrase and it is a truth I rely upon often in situations big and small.  Today, it’s particularly true, as we have a choice about how we handle this sure-to-be-brief time when there’s nothing required of us and there’s nothing we can do to change the timing of our process.  We can choose to wring our hands and be anxious or we can choose to simply BE.   Be present. Be appreciative. Be grateful. Be patient. Be certain. Be hopeful. Be peaceful. Be aware. Be mindful. Be open.  I suppose these are all things we can always be… but it’s suddenly much easier when there’s not some all-consuming other project to hide in (well, of course there ARE projects, but not as compelling as the imminent moving project).

It’s time to enjoy all the little things – not knowing quite when they will all end, but knowing they won’t be ours to enjoy forever.  I am trying to very intentionally choose to focus on being “in” this time of in-between (in fact that was my intention at yoga tonight).. but I have to admit that’s easier said than done.  I know for certain that I’ll look back and this “half-in, half-out” time will be teeny tiny blip on the timeline of our journey. Much like a first day at a new job, it’s a fragile, brief, mildly uncomfortable and uniquely weird time…. for me this time is bittersweet but also sort of dream-like and hazy.  I’m doing my best to cherish it and to explore how much of it we can rekindle when we’re on the other side of this transition, as a talisman to protect us from the always compelling and often all consuming pull of forward motion… which will have us back in the conductors seat in no time.

366 hours – and so begins the list.

Good morning! It’s a sunny, wintery Saturday here in Old Town – I think the car told me it was 12 degrees on the way over today.  I’m settling in to one of my favorite spots to tackle a myriad of “to dos” in a precious and purposeful 4 hour stint at my computer while logging another shift as a volunteer at the Front Desk of the Carpenter’s Shelter.

On my way here, I stopped for a latte at Misha’s and just had to take a photo – as I so often do – of the beautiful foam on this morning treat.  I always appreciate the beauty of the barista-artistry at Misha’s, and it’s really all the more amazing to me in light of the pace and vibe of this bustling local haunt.  It’s always busy, the baristas are working nonstop in a seamless herbie-free system of one server per customer and it’s a work of operational perfection (not a Herbie in sight)… and as fast as they push us through the process, they more often than not do so with a dollop of beauty. It’s such a gift.  As I took my photo, I commented to my neighbor as he chuckled at me, that I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate this pretty little thing. He nodded and said “so few people do that nowadays”.  I agreed. We all know that the hustle-bustle usually makes such a moment of gratitude seem like a luxury or a novelty we can certainly do without…. but at what cost?

The good news is that whatever the cost of not appreciating the little things, it’s a cost I’m planning to actively and intentionally avoid this month and for the next few months (and perhaps I’ll make it such a habit that I never stop!). The thing is, it struck me today, that we’ve now begun the “season of goodbyes”…. as the reality of our move is growing more certain by the day. With a contract on 123 Madison and hopes for an offer on 301 S. Henry within the next few weeks, the wheels are now very much in motion toward the end of one chapter – and the beginning of the next.

I’ve already started The List – of all the little (and big) things that I will miss when we’re gone.  Perhaps I’ll just start a new post of that list just to keep an inventory.  Meanwhile, I’m going to try to very hard manage what I know will be a rather teary and bittersweet process by focusing on saying “thank you” to each of these little things, and hoping that might lessen the “farewell” part of each thing I see, do, eat, drink or cherish for the last time over the coming weeks.  I’m absolutely determined that there will be no real “goodbyes” to the people I love so much here in Old Town – while I know that visits will be rarer, they will simply be more special and less taken for granted.  Yes, of course, there will be many great folks I’ve known and worked with for years and years, who I won’t necessarily see again at a networking event, but I know without a doubt that distance is a tremendous filter – I’ll surely see some folks often, and others will remain on FB and LinkedIn, and that’s really going to be OK. And, even the moments I’m tempted to think will be my last, are not gone forever… those that matter most will still be here to be enjoyed again when we come back – including the lattes at Misha’s.

So, what’s the deal with 366?   Well, the awesome folks at Carpenter’s have been using a volunteer tracking system for as long as I’ve been spending time here.  As of this AM I’ve logged 366 hours of service (400 as of today!), which looks to be just over 2 weeks of my life watching the ebb and flow of so many lives who have spent time within the Carpenter’s community.  I’m not sure how many more shifts I’ll take before we head north…. but rather than get teary, at least for now, I’m just going to settle in and make the most of my time here today – and saying Thank You.

The bustle and vibe at Misha’s
A thing of beauty – the lovely latte!
366 hours and counting – a window on the world of Carpenter’s.