Shifting gears and giving thanks

Hello Friends!

Another first – our first Sunday night at home, with Fall in the air and football on TV.  We are so excited!

Nothing like a little travel to add some punctuation to the end of one chapter – the 1st Summer in Saratoga, and the start of the next – our first Fall in our upstate NY home.  We took the Megabus to NYC on Thursday night and had a really fun, restful, change of scenery version of the reset button – with a much craved dose of super spicy chinese food at Xi’an Famous Foods and an awesome meal at our designated “special treat” foodie experience at The Bar at Ko (by David Cheng) – adding both immediately to our faves list   We so enjoyed the change of scenery, the yummy food, the time with family, and for me, a more needed than I realized break from nonstop running. I found myself completely out of gas on Saturday, and after sleeping 12+ hours Saturday night, I still slept the whole way home on the bus this afternoon.

It was such fun to drive home from the train station (where the bus picked us up and dropped us off), and realize… once again – we still live here!  And, now, with racing season behind us… we really get to begin to explore our new home, establish a new routine and find new favorite haunts. It’s another beginning!

With that in mind, we jumped right in to trying a place on “our list”.  We have at least 5:  we each have a list we’ve been building in Yelp, I have one wunderlist of “Capital Region to Explore”, we have a Happy Hour list, and we have a Pizza list…we love lists!  As we wandered homeward, we decided to drop in on the Ripe Tomato, which was on each of our lists… and lo and behold, we entered through the Tap Room entrance to find the all day Happy Hour in effect at the bar… I think we rolled in about 3:30.  Yay!

Without boring you with the what we ate and drank (oh, there will be plenty of this over the days ahead), the fun thing was to get home to our quiet, grey home and find a mashup of symbols… our first three tomatoes ready to pop off the vine – see photo of super crazy volunteer tomato plant below; and a cool breeze in the air… a huge contrast to last Sunday, when the racing meet was still going.  Super quiet, but just lovely.  Our kitties were super happy to see us – and Bobby was in his “comfy clothes” in no time, ready to watch the Redskins from our couch while I put on leggings and fleece to head out for a walk around the State Park.  I’m considering putting a dollar in a box every time I do that loop… as it seems like one of those things I’ll do more times than I can imagine over the years ahead.  I can only hope!

As I walked, I found my thoughts swirling around all the things I can’t wait to do at work this week, this month and over the coming weeks . So very grateful for the feeling of excitement, anticipation, creativity, and positive energy I feel about my work… and the incredible opportunity to apply myself whole heartedly to something I am so passionate about.  Meanwhile, I started thinking about all the new habits I want to add into this next chapter.   It’s about to be the perfect season for jogging, and I foresee 5ks many weekends ahead – I’m signed up for one on 9/22 in VA, and I know there’s one here on 10/13, and I just noted one next Saturday 9/16.  Good stuff!  I’m also feeling alot of achi-ness, and I’m aware of how long it’s been since I did any stretching – having taken a hiatus from yoga since the end of March.  I’m looking at the classes available on Sat & Sun AM at the Museum of Dance while planning to find a class on TV or on a DVD which I can do in the basement this winter. Meanwhile I certainly could start a simple routine of my favorite poses in the living room, if I set my mind to it… I could put a routine together, be my own teacher.  I’m also thinking about all the thank you notes I’m overdue to send… determined to catch up and get more timely with these over the months ahead.  And looking forward to spending more time writing – notes related to work, letters related to work, diving into more thoughtful topics here in the blog… and hopefully tackling a bigger project too.  More on that later, but it’s exciting to put a plan together for a winter writing adventure.  Plus, I want to knit, I want to read, and I want to catch up with folks on the phone.   So much to do – and fortunately, the time and the place available to do it all.  So grateful!

Meanwhile, as our center of gravity now switches from all the summer activities toward the Fall – more homey-ness, more new restaurants and day trips, and also our upcoming travels:  MD/VA in Sept, KY in Oct, NY in Nov, CA in Dec and hopefully New Orleans in Jan, and maybe Florida in Feb, I want to not move too quickly away from the summer without spending a bit of time giving thanks for all of the beloved friends and family who added their love and laughter to our first Summer in Saratoga.  It was a whirlwind, and we loved every minute of our time with dear ones in the house, on the porch and making this new house feel like a home.   I truly hope that everyone felt warmly welcomed!   I had done a tally in my last post about the total of heads that had rested in Casa Weir, but I also want to say a special thank you to each person who came to stay with us over the course of the Spring & Summer.  We thank you for the joy that you each brought to our lives here.

In first five months at 123 Madison, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to have so many of the people who mean so much to us travel – my train, plane and automobile – to spend time with us.  Tonight, before I sign off, I want to thank each one (and many photos below).

A recap of overnight guests to date (March – August), thank you!

  1. Marilyn – March, Bobby’s mom, our first overnight guest, just days after the furniture arrived!
  2.  Adam & Alyssa  (2)- May
  3. Shana & Kathy (2) – May
  4. Auntie Sue – June
  5. Dinks – June
  6. Anne & Kendra (2) – June
  7. Rebecca – July
  8. Scarboroughs (4) – July
  9. Padre & Linda – July
  10. Alpersteins (4) – July
  11. Dallas & Sack & Augie (3) – August
  12. Melanie, Ben and Marilyn (3) – August
  13. Dave, Melissa & Hudson (2+) – August
  14. Adelmans (5) – August
  15. Mike & Michelle and Patrick & Sara (4) – August

And, beyond our wonderful array of houseguests, we also loved the porch-guests who brightened so many of our evenings – from the girls who joined in the Doobie brothers, to Maura who helped me “break in” the new porch furniture one marathon Happy Hour Friday, to Robert our new friend and plant-whisperer, to our many racing fan friends who gathered in our cozy gazebo while Bobby grilled Brats in the rain.

We are so happy to be here – and we are so grateful for the opportunity to share this happiness with those who care about us, and those who have made the investment of time, travel and vacation time to share their precious free time with us.   It makes this whole adventure feel more real to have you here with us.  Thanks for bearing witness and adding your sunshine to our summer!


M & M

Taking Stock of a Spectacular Summer – our 19th & our 1st

Labor Day AM – butterfly!

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” – Hemingway

Hello Friends!

Never have the Maven and I woken up so happy on the day after Labor Day.

Frankly, as anyone who had to suffer through us – especially me, the Magpie, in the days following our return to reality from Saratoga after the past many years… it was, in a word, ugly.  In more words, it was unattractive, whiny, sulky, and generally obnoxious just how much we moaned & groaned about our forced exile from the place we believed we were meant to be.  First world problems for sure. And now, the summer is over – and we woke up  here! Yippee!!

While many are suffering the end of the season blues, I have to say that we are absolutely at peace with the finish.  I believe that I couldn’t have  squeezed more juice out of the summer than I did, and I’m admittedly a bit weary from the effort of being on and on the go in a non-stop hustle for 40 days.  Now, we get to truly settle in, establish our patterns of “normal life” – without the countdown til the track  season opens in 2019 (319 days by my calculations). Plus, we get to start exploring the “beyond Saratoga” of Upstate New York, New England and all the cute towns and beautiful scenery that await us – along with all the cute cows, sheep, goats, apples and pumpkins along the way.  We have a huge list (see the Faves page, where I’ve started the list, collected along our journey so far – all sight unseen) and we’re working on our strategy for how to choose where to go first.   Stay tuned for a big bowl of ideas!

Tonight, racing the clock as always, as I know that the system starts to shut down at 10pm (9:30pm now), I wanted to at least start to capture some reflections on this amazing whirlwind summer… a project I plan to spend more time on over the days ahead.

For today, let’s start with some stats and a list of names –

  • 50 personal notes of congratulations from the TRF Herd written and delivered to trainers (with Stakes winners) on the Saratoga backstretch;
  • 40 days  of racing (47 days of summer schedule), starting on July 20th;
  • 39 nights with guests here with us at Casa Weir, starting July 1st;
  • 32 individual guests (plus one special pup) spent time in our happy home, starting July 1;
  • 10 max peeps squeezed in on our front porch for one semi-rained out cookout;
  • 531,407 steps counted by my fitbit;
  • number of Hattie’s fried chicken pieces consumed (at home and at Hatties)… classified!

As I’ve shared with so many visitors to Saratoga this summer, I believe the true magic of the racetrack is that while the horses are the heart of the whole complicated network that makes racing possible, it is the extraordinary complexity of humans on the racetrack that I find so incredibly compelling.  In fact, my friend Teresa just published an article with a focus on the community of the backstretch, take a look. With that in mind, I wanted to try to list the names of the many, many folks on around and affiliated with the Saratoga Race Track who made my summer so much better, for making me feel welcome.  I’m grateful beyond words for every smile and greeting.

I am so thankful for this opportunity – to start again, to be wholly and completely me, to not hold back and to throw myself into this  new world with unabashed glee.  To purposefully, intentionally and thoughtfully endeavor to make a first impression on so many people in one nonstop, action-packed 7 week stretch.  I have always cherished those rare, weird moment in life when one is new – and this was all that on steroids for 40+ days staight. To the best of my ability, I spent a summer being the most enthusiastic, energetic “new girl” one could imagine.  My mantra was to simply become a Positive, Pleasant  Presence – and, as always, to “be me – but not too much me”.   All I can say is that I did my best, I tried to trust my gut, read the tea  leaves, back off when in doubt and as-much-as-possible leave them wanting more (instead of looking for the door).

So much to reflect on, and I’d like to try to share a few specific, granular stories as I get some distance on the whole adventure.  For now, I’ll sign off with the happy footnote that my first day after Labor Day here in Saratoga included my first “all me” check arriving as a result of my Chenery Champion Brunch in August. My first official, and significant, points on the board.  Yay!  And now, much more to do – the horses are counting on me!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful September. Remember, Labor Day is the New Year’s Day of the Fall!


See photos below – my heartfelt thanks to each of them for making this first summer so special and so very spectacular.  Meet a few of my Saratoga Summer Peeps!

Frank DeGregorio – met him on our shared first day, bday 8/2
Seth Merrow – a friend for many years, and host of Capital OTB (my first live TV appearance!)
Mike MacAdam, Daily Gazette, a friend for many years – kindly put my picture in the paper to welcome me to town.
Richie Migliore and Jennifer Stevens – TRF superstar Board Member and fantabulous Teammate
Tony “Ski” Podlaski – on the roof, such a warm welcome to the press room!
Backstretch walkabout with Kylie the Magnificent – glad she’s on my team!
Rick and Dorothy, the most welcoming NYRA security team in the clubhouse box seats – looking forward to introducing them to our horses!
Tom, Fran and Bill – dynamic trio, great volunteers and staff members, all with their heart in the right place!
The one and only – Mr. Durkin!
Mary Keiser – my first friend on the backstretch, thanks to Fran, and her 3 fabulous retired thoroughbreds who now work as ponies in the AM
Superstar – Cheryl on the TRF team, on the backstretch on a sunny AM
WooWooo! Ernie Munick, NYRA cameraman, Quick Call’s biggest fan.
Pancake lunch with the TRF team: Chelsea, Cheryl, Kylie, Bill, (me) and Jenn in front.
Cindy, Steve and Pat (my neighbor) – they can’t escape me! (But really, who can?)
Bobby and Andy – thank you Andy for making us feel so welcome!
TAG – OS reunion and keystone to so many of our Saratoga friendships!
The magnificent (and very patient with me!) Morleys!! XXOO
Superstar TRF Teammates – Cheryl and Carolyn.
#1 Awesome teammate – Jenn!
Super adorable Kariann and Sophia (my partner in crime at the Washington County Fair)
Matt (aka Smiley) Hegarty – he really does love the fair!
Adam, Bobby and Matt – fun with tractors at the Fair
Awesome Alyssa and her super sweet goat-raising friend, Dave.
Berenice, from Puebla, with one of her retired racehorse ponies!
Rudy Rodriguez – the busiest and friendliest trainer on the Oklahoma!
Rudy Jr, good morning!

And so many more!

When a turkey sandwich is so much more

Hello Friends!

As the days keep clicking by I’m trying to make them go slowly to savor the “normal” that will soon be just a shadow…I find myself taking pictures of ordinary things which I know won’t be ordinary come Tuesday. See above!

I’m continuing with my 15 day photo countdown on instagram, #mavenandmagpie, feel free to follow along.  But meanwhile, I just had to try to capture a moment that suddenly struck me yesterday (Monday) when I realized that I’d actually made some real progress on one of my priority projects for the summer.  Admittedly, it now feels weird and awkward to share this, kind of embarrassing to pat myself on the back for what is certainly – at best – a small step in a long journey. But anyway, I’m sticking to the “celebrate the small wins” approach to this process – the building of a new life, the building of a new network, the figuring out of how to make the most of the crazy summer season at Saratoga.

So, the sandwich.

Yesterday at approximately 7:45am, I was invited to partake in a sandwich (ham or turkey)  or a piece of pizza by Mr. Dale Romans and his wife Tammy.  Doing my best to read the situation and the moment properly, I opted to accept – and then to just “hang out” eating half of a turkey sandwich from Spring Street Deli (and yes, this was before I’d yet had my coffee for the day).  It was a big moment.  Welcome to my surreal life!

Uh, what’s up with the sandwich?

Well, in brief, this simple invitation by Mr. Romans (wikipedia link) was a small symbol that my “horsemen’s outreach campaign” was making an impact – I am slowly making myself known to (to at least a few people) in a big, complex, and highly insular community.  My strategy for the horsemen of the Saratoga meet has been a slow, but steady program (aka “charm offensive”) by which I’ve been delivering hand-written personal notes of congratulations to the trainer of each stakes-winning horse at the meet.  On most days there is one stakes race, on Saturdays sometimes two or three, and on this past Friday and Saturday.. a bunch each day!  This is the objective of my morning excursions to the backstretch: finding my way around to all the barns, observing and learning along the way, meeting folks when possible, and then delivering my notes – often just dropping in the trainers’ offices, but sometimes hand-delivering with a quick hello.  I’ll share a copy of one of the notes in a photo with this post… I’ve used a pretty consistent message all summer, but this week I’m changing it up a bit.   As I told my friend Matt, the notes give me the “purpose and structure” that I so appreciate and need to keep my energy heading in a useful direction.

So, the Romans.

The sandwich invite was approximately the 6th time I’d encountered the Romans over the course of the summer. At this rate I will have mastered the Saratoga trainer community in 25 years…

  • First, met with Terry Finley of West Point Thorougbreds on the golf cart (more of an almost-met)
  • Second, delivered note for the first win of Promises Fulfilled in the Amsterdam stakes in late July.
  • Third, at the Select Sales with my wing-man Bill Clark, we sat with the Romans for quite a while (and they offered me food then too, but it was not the right moment to partake) – told my stories of Pennells and Kenny Chesney concert.
  • Fourth, I delivered a note about how much I’d enjoyed meeting them at the Sales
  • Fifth, said hello while Eric Guillot was holding court near Seth Merrow’s tent – Dale saved the day.
  • And then, Monday – when I went to deliver another note of congratulations, the invite and the sandwich!

Anyhow, it was a small thing – but it felt good.  They were thoughtful hosts, kindly asking me about where I lived in town, intrigued to hear we had just moved here, and asking about Bobby too.  I chatted a minute with their son, who I recall handicapping as a kid – he is now a jockey’s agent.  I tried not to linger, but I also enjoyed the brief chat – and if I can find a way to do so , I’ll go back to snap a photo of the view from the Romans’ barn.

And then, it got better!

Just to close out what was a good day on all counts, I left my peeps in the backyard to make a quick excursion to the paddock for the feature on Monday.  While I’ve been growing a bit weary of the stalker-nature of my job in the afternoon (missing the rationale of my morning “purpose and structure”), wherein I go to the paddock very often with the express goal of saying hello to various people, usually owners – and/or just being “present and visible” so that these folks I want to meet will be familiar with me before I call on them as donors.  It’s another long game, and the progress I’m making in the afternoon is much, much harder to measure than my progress in the AM.  However, on Monday I had a nice exchange with one of my board members, then as I walked out, one of the trainers I’ve been pursuing came up to talk with me as we walked out of the paddock and a partner from one of the ownership groups decided I was “somebody” enough to chat with me as we walked out.  Then, when I opted to go back for one more paddock visit before heading home, I had a nice exchange with Jack Knowlton of Sackatoga Stables (wikipedia link) and then Rudy Rodriguez sought me out to give a kiss on the cheek (thank you Brimstone and Libby Imperio), and I even had a rush of confidence enough to just walk up to a couple who have been long time donors just to say thank you and introduce myself.  Lots of little “sandwiches”… and many more to pursue.

OK, turning into a pumpkin – hoping to get a few photos loaded before I crash.

Bon soir mes amis!




Hoodie weather and a hint of the blues

Good morning friends!

It is truly a picture perfect sunny and 58 degree morning here in Saratoga.  At last!

This has actually been a challenging weather summer with hot, humid and rainy as our norm… great for the plants, but tough on the horseracing (especially the turf horses and handicappers).  B and I have been fine, as we’re still more Virginian than New Yorker, but it is lovely to get a good dose of 100% exactly what we think of when we say “Summer in Saratoga” –  and I think we’re in for a nice stretch here for the final week and a half of the meet.  It is simply spectacular, and it’s just beyond amazing that I am sitting here in my hoodie, sipping my espresso, on my porch … and not on vacation.  Pinch me!

I woke up with a big wave of almost-homesickness for all my beloved peeps in Virginia.  Much to the Maven’s chagrin, I do not adhere to the “no phone in bed” rule, as I find it very comforting to check in on all my loved ones far & near by iphone as I’m waking up to face the day – facebook, insta and a flurry of text help my brain wake up and connect me to those folks I’m thinking of. You know who you are! 🙂

Today I was especially grateful for a bunch of texts from friends back in VA “checking in” on me and sharing little updates from my “old life”.  Among my  many things to reflect on as we come into the Fall of this big year of transition is the process of keeping in touch, and sorting out who will stay with me through this next chapter and accepting who may not.   I am so grateful for each of you who have traveled this path with me – through following the baby blog, on FB, by text, phone or coming to visit.  We are so grateful for the love, support and encouragement of all of you. XXXOO

However, with a hint of autumn in the air I’m caught in a moment of thinking about the idea that “people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”.  Quite simply, until you make a move, there’s no way to assess who is who.   Having been in the same place for more than 25 years, I simply had no way of knowing how the people in my life would shake out.

Using my dear headspace approach of “noting and letting go” this has been happening in the back of my brain over the course of the summer (often while I’m sleeping and hashed out through dreams).  It catches me in waves and sometimes I wake up a bit sad thinking of the folks who seem to have gently opted out.  And while there’s definitely some pain in recognizing that a chapter has closed, at least for now, with a number of people I really enjoyed knowing and working with and who played a big part in my life I also am working hard not to judge. People are so very, very frantically busy in DC, the hustle is so hard, and honestly, I’ve made choices too… it’s the never-ending dance of relationships to assess, without words, “who is going to make the first move”.  There’s also the fact that my departure from my work world was kind of complicated, to put it gently.  For a host of reasons that I chose to say made sense then, I communicated very little with my professional network about this move.  To many, I’m sure it seemed abrupt and dramatic.  Although those same people who may have been surprised were by definition not true friends, if they didn’t know how much we’d dreamed of this move for years.  (Not judging, it just means we hadn’t reached that point in our friendship). It’s just a weird feeling.  I guess it’s the selfish side of me that simply expected more folks from my work world to reach out (and I’m so appreciative of those who did and continue to do so).   It’s just the ones that don’t keep in touch that you notice… why is that? Shame on me for assuming they would do so by linkedin since I never sent the big “hi, I have news, I’m moving to Saratoga” email to my contacts.  While I heard from a bunch of folks when I announced my new role in May, it’s been pretty much crickets since then. Interesting.  I think that’s the nature of work-friendships. Without a reason to be in touch, no one really has time to just send the “I’m thinking of you, how are you?”. And more importantly, I need to be honest about why I think they should be in touch instead of me.  I think because I moved away they should “miss me”, but maybe they just feel I didn’t care enough to say goodbye.  I guess I find myself wondering alot what they think (and that’s a slipperly slope I’m trying to avoid too). Mostly, I’m trying to realize and accept that most folks I’m thinking of probably don’t think much (about me) at all. It’s OK, it’s just a bit…. hard to put into words.

Looking up and forward, it’s just very validating to realize that I wasn’t ever critical in the role I was playing, so it’s a very, very good thing we finally made the move to land in the place where I’m supposed to be.  As so many friends and loved ones tried to tell me, we are probably/certainly never as indispensable as we think we are – certainly not at work – and we shouldn’t let that feeling of personal responsibility play such a huge role in our decisions.  Oh yes, I hear the irony of my writing this. I know that many, many of you tried to tell me this for a long, long time.   I guess, I’m just saying, with gratitude that I see it more clearly now.  You were right.  While I refuse to regret time spent in service to a community that largely hasn’t noticed my departure, the lack of contact from a huge swath of people does speak volumes.  It’s not bad and they aren’t bad, but it’s definitely humbling to recognize that we are all mostly just supporting cast in the drama of our lives and when we step off stage, our absence is not a big event for most of the audience. I am working hard to not take that the wrong way, and I am very grateful for the experience of my last role because I learned so much and met so many great people in that last role.  I know it sounds lame, but I’m really not actively fishing for reassurance that I mattered.  I really, truly know I was useful and helpful, and most importantly, I know that the people that mattered most to me – and to whom I mattered most – have never wavered. And there’s no expiration date on any of this.  Many who haven’t been in touch may be back one day when the timing is right for us to reconnect. The road is long and winding, who knows when we’ll next cross paths. They may reach out, I may reach out – it’s all about timing, always, isn’t it?

And now, after that little episode of melancholy reflection, back to this one!!

It’s a beautiful day here in Saratoga – the beginning of the big Travers weekend.   I’m heading in to the office this AM for a few hours, then over to the races for an afternoon spent largely in the paddock… one of the loveliest spots in an everso lovely place.

Oh, and while I’m giving up on my daily posts approach to the blog, I am posting at least one (usually more) pic a day for these last 15 days of the summer on Instagram #mavenandmagpie if you want to follow along.

More soon, but big hugs to all and warm wishes that you find just what you’re looking for in the day ahead. Treasure those who treasure you, and make the most of every moment.  The past is the past, the future is unknown, but the present is the gift given to us to enjoy!


Week 2 – (trying to) find time to reflect

Hello Friends!

Warning: 11:22pm = not much left in the tank…again!

Good news! I have maintained my “streak”. Not sure how many days, but more than 2 or 3. So, that’s something.

Bad News. I just haven’t yet found or made enough time, while my brain is still functioning, to even partially develop any of the topics that pop into my head to write about on any given day.

So, as we wrap up week 2 of our first Saratoga Summer, I am going to try something new for week 3.  I am still going to post each day, but the goal will be:

Either, a list of the ideas & topics that have struck me that day for further consideration & thought development – and more thoughtful writing – once the summer frenzy is done. Or, I will start a Post with enough direction to allow me to come back later to finish up.

Tonight, a short list of ideas before “pumpkin happens” –

1. Some days you’re the windshield, sometimes the bug

2. The power of energy

3. Taking turns cheering for friends/ encouraging others on their journey

4. My writing project idea with Richie

5. Things I appreciate at work – autonomy & support

6. People who have contributed to me being who I am today.

For now – bonne nuit!



It All Began with Button

Hello Friends

Apologies for being somewhat dark & mysterious yesterday. It was two-days-in-one sort of day, both joyful & peaceful here in my happy little life in a Saratoga bubble and terribly sad & tragic in another world close to my heart.  The idyllic world of my dear Camp Strawderman was shaken by an unthinkable loss.  A lovely and beloved young woman lost her life while riding – doing precisely what she most wanted to do on a beautiful summer morning in the Shenandoah.

The Camp Strawderman community spans generations and continents, yet last night as the terrible news made its way to each of us, we all found ourselves reconnected – as if time & space had melted away – and we were once again in the goodnight circle, holding hands, crying and singing “our fond good nights”.  With our hearts heavy and most of us far, far away, we all went to bed with visions of that familiar, steadfast and comforting view of the suns final glow over the mountains  and those melancholy notes of TAPS echoing over our dear home away from home.

(For those tracking my “streak”, I’m picking up here to write more in this one post instead of starting a new one… and I’m counting this as another consecutive day of writing, while already starting to fade.)

All of this leads my thoughts back to not only my cherished years as a camper and counselor at Strawderman, but even moreso to the path – and the powerful impact of one person – who led me to Camp, and in so doing, changed my life in so many profoundly positive ways.  That person was a super smart, strong, sassy, independent, opinionated, fun-loving, fearless and boundlessly creative woman named Helen Button.  Known as Helen in San Diego, and Button at Camp, and a woman without whom I would not be half the person I am today.

The backstory to my Strawderman days:

Note – to be continued!

There are no Ordinary Days

Hello Friends,

While I sorely tempted to provide another simple daily recap, sprinkled with juicy & fun tidbits from my day, today must be remembered as something special – as each day should, but today was one that was spectacularly sad for a family and a community connected to a beautiful, magical place in the Shenandoah Valley. My beloved Camp Strawderman.

Today the universe decided to send us a message to savor each day, each moment, each person, creature and opportunity.  Make the most of the day! Be grateful! Carpe diem!

My heart is with all of my friends from Camp Strawderman – those with whom I shared my childhood, those who remain in my life today, the strong women who brought me to Camp, who taught me at Camp and who gave me the space and the setting to grow into the person I am today – at Camp. My heart is broken for the loss we have all suffered through the tragedy of this day. 💔

The Ideals of Camp Strawderman are
to make girls so happy they will share their happiness with others.
To make friendships which shall last through life.
To develop strong, healthy bodies
through regular exercise, good food,
and rest in the pure mountain air.
To create a love for God’s out-of- doors, and a reverence for his handiwork.
To bring out the hidden possibilities which lie within each girl and to help her find herself.

Goodnight circle

Marathon Monday – a bit weary, but wonderful

Hello Friends!

It’s another 11pm Post, with 7% of my phone battery and probably less of my brain remaining – so another short, but not-breaking-the-streak effort.

Today was measured in costume changes:

7:30-10:30 Backstretch in jeans (both tracks)

11:30 -2:30 Fashionable Fillies Luncheon (fun dress from Paris & strappy sandals)

3:30 -5:30 Sundress for visit to Reading Room, then the Races & NYRA box seats from the Smithwicks

6:00 -7:15 Shorts & tee for snack & power nap on couch

7:30 – 10:30pm Jeans & sparkly top for Jockey Karaoke for the PDJF.

…and somehow, lucky me, this is all work – wonderfully, weirdly, work!

Today I felt a pretty big wave of new-girl fatigue, just so much being new amidst crowds of people who all know one another. It’s exactly what I looked forward to after so many years of sort of knowing everyone…but it does take a toll.

Closing before my phone croaks with a quote from my happiness journal –

“Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”

I also loved this one on FB today from Natasha Hennessey –

“Thou shalt not let weird ass energy penetrate the aura.” 🙂

Sleep tight friends!!


In the NYRA box


The Terrific TRF Team – and a special offer!

Hello Friends!

Sunday afternoon and we’re getting ready for an afternoon at the races – Maven & Magpie, bestie Doodles from VA and her awesome BF Paul, and meeting up with teammate Jennifer and her buddy Marco.   Sun is shining and it has all the makings of a great day. But before we launch, I wanted to try for my 5th post in 5 days… and have it be longer than one sentence.  I definitely have some work to do in figuring out when to write, and sadly there’s just no juice left in the tank by the time I hit 10pm… the happy consequence of very, very full days.

So, today – two little snapshots:

  • The AMAZING Team at the TRF… at least an initial intro.
  • A SPECIAL OFFER for all blog-readers!  TRF Gear alert!

I’ll start with the gear, as I fear I won’t get very far with the team before I turn into a pumpkin.   Here’s the deal – we’ve arranged to have TRF vests available for purchase for TRF staff, board and friends – at cost ($38).   We aren’t ordering inventory, but you can place an order and we’ll ship to you when they arrive. We’re putting in our next order on Monday AM (7/30), and this may be our last “at cost” offer. We have a link on the website, but that includes a portion of proceeds to TRF.

If you want to buy at the “friends & family” price of $38, I’ll heartily encourage you to add a modest gift to the TRF herd (which you can add to your order), and I’ll cover shipping .  See goofy photo below of me sporting the vest on Capital OTB, and click here to order.

And then, the TERRIFIC TRF Team… I’ll write about each of them later, but I’m going to post this for any inquiring minds that might check this afternoon :-).  We’re off to the races!

Have a happy  Sunday!



Saturday – when it all catches up with you

Hi Friends,

Barely hanging on to make this 4 out 4, and I fear that I am once again too sleepy to say much at all.

Great Saturday – low key & fun with Darcy & Paul, lunch at Druthers, long overdue pedicure, then some quality porch time and a quick drop & retrieve from SPAC.

Lots to say…just looking for time to do so!!

Sleep tight!