Hello Friends!
Among my many intentions for the next 6 months, I am pretty sure “starting a new blog post at 11:59pm on a wednesday” will not be included – but here I am. As proud as I am of our beloved Washington Capitals making it to the Stanley Cup finals, I am looking forward to a life post-playoffs to find my much better bedtime.
So, why the late night missive? Well, with June around the corner and so much excitement contained in May, I am ready to shift gears for the Summer – and foreseeable future – with our story here in Saratoga and my subject matter with the baby blog. Setting and manifesting clear intentions is my theme for June and I’m hopeful this new focus, post-transition, might open doors for a bit more thoughtful and interesting reflection in place of the merciless blow by blow narrative of the path that we’ve travelled over these first five months of 2018.
Aheartfelt hug of thanks to all of the friends & family who have so good-naturedly listened to my tale to date – your encouragement has been a great gift. We’ve made it!
And now, the next chapter begins! Please hop aboard the magpie’s wing and we’ll see what we see as we settle in to this new life – living the dream, it’s now up to us to make the most of it!
Here we go!