Another Big Week!
Perhaps best shared in photos (below) and a few reflections…above all I am feeling so much better, lighter, super-energized and excited to really & truly dive in to all that lies ahead. With March roaring in like a lion, I am feeling like the universe is pushing us forward with a huge burst of energy, into this next phase. Here we go!
My big takeaway from all the wonderful not-goodbye-but-farewell-for-now moments over the past week is the sense of relief and peace with the quiet closure they have brought me. I’m grateful that the terrible loss that gripped me that weekend that we accepted the offer on our house has not returned (yet). While I suspect that feeling will be back with the packing & finality if our last days in Old Town on the horizon, but perhaps not for a few more weeks, and most of all this week was free from drama & anguish. Yay!
It was just really good to close some doors and finish some things that have taken a huge amount of energy to manage. I have been trying so hard to close the doors gently & gracefully, while holding back tumultuous waves of emotion broiling just below the surface. On this breezy Saturday, the image in my head is of a pilot of a big 747 landing at Dulles on a clear, sunny and super windy day – trying to keep the descent smooth as the passengers look out the windows at the pretty, peaceful scenery on a seemingly perfect day, but knowing it takes a huge amount of strength, grit, focus and a bit of luck to stick the landing. What a great feeling when those wheels kiss the ground in a solid & safe & soft “thump”. That’s me.
I am just so glad that month of wind-down is behind me knowing I did my best. I surely could’ve managed many things better, and I know there will be more rough patches ahead, but in the land of 80/20, we’re now into the 80% of our/my energy going into making, building and creating the new chapter and (hopefully) 20% on closing out this one.
My thanks to so many for making this past week so special –
* Starting with Julia! Such a good friend, partner, supporter and colleague. I know how hard this whole long journey as been for her and she’s been nothing but kind, supportive and infinitely patient. I am so fortunate to have her in my life.
* The marvelous MAVA team – Bennett, Jason, Dan and Brija... love these peeps. So grateful for their contributions to our TechBUZZ event this week, and their support for me throughout the craziness of these past months. And for the lovely flowers & fabulous photos, memories I’ll cherish always.
* My beloved “Boss”, Paul Grossman, from my wonderful days at the VEDP. So kind to take me to lunch this week, amidst the crazy, and share his support and encouragement for this adventure we’re leaping into. What a treat!
* Special work friends Jim K, Nancy and Chris for joining in the decadent & yummy celebratory lunch at Bombay Club – what a wonderful way to finish the big week.
* Awesome Dr. Ana – acupuncture, eastern medicine, grounding guidance and insights into the power of a clear postulate. The best Happy Hour in town… cherishing a few last Fridays at the Blue House.
* Ending with Julia, for 7 intense, rewarding, challenging and amazing years of pulling rabbits out of hats and making meaningful connections among a really great community of people. I’ve cherished our time together, I’ve learned alot, I’ve grown stronger, and I’m so excited about what the future holds for us beyond these MAVA days.
A few of the week’s highlights in photos –