Hi Friends – Happy April!
The sun is shining here in Saratoga…and it really feels like Spring is trying to make a breakthrough. We’re creeping up to 50 degrees today, but then I see a series of low 60s on the horizon – a far cry from the wintery Monday AM that greeted us in Northampton as Kate & KC headed out for their big day. (Photo below). Weather reports aside, I think the true sign of Spring will be when I walk out the door, turn left on Crescent toward the track and see my first horse galloping by…. I can feel it coming, but much like the crocus, it will be a wonderful surprise when it happens. Stay tuned!
To follow up on my last missive about the days following the big finale in VA + movers (week of March 19th), that week finished up with a much welcomed visit by Bobby and his mom, Marilyn. Yay people! My people! After an early AM visit by Jim the electrician, I ventured out to my first of (hopefully many) trips to the Rensselaer/Albany train station to meet them at 11am. Seems like the trip was smooth and easy, and I found the very beautiful train station with no trouble. We went straight to lunch at the Old Bryan Inn – very yummy! Upon arrival at Casa Weir I discovered that I had, in fact, totally hit the wall that had been awaiting me after all the hubbub of the week… the month. Wow. Call me a barnacle, I simply could not detach from ye old couch. So much for jumping into that big “let’s tackle the kitchen” project…. that seemed great on paper, but much less fun than a nap. While Bobby spent his energy trying to get our new (no cable) TV situation set up, I snoozed – it was great. We did actually get started with the kitchen eventually – and Marilyn was a tremendous help and cheerleader. After making a big mess the three of us called it quits and headed out for dinner – trying a new spot, the Barrelhouse on Beekman. Very casual, but tasty and hopping – and the waiter was terrific about finding us a table when they were filled to the gills.
It was wonderful to have a full house for the night, and I definitely slept better than I have in a long time. We got a great start on the day with a walk to the Five Points Market to pick up breakfast sandwiches – a first for us, and for Bobby to get his very own Five Points mug. Making ourselves locals!
We then got serious about the kitchen and set a goal of doing all we could before taking an afternoon break to go to the movies. Great teamwork, major progress and then we called it quits about 2:30 so we could make a run to the movies to see the Black Panther – loved it! Followed by wonderful Sunday dinner at the Brook Tavern – totally hopping with families gathered for Sunday supper. I had the salmon burger, Bobby the pork shoulder and Marilyn the burger and we were all very happy.
The quick visit was over too soon, but we were all up and rolling down the road by 7am on Monday to drop Bobby at the airport for his flight back to BWI, and Marilyn back on the train (her 3rd train trip) to the city.
For the record – both are really easy for us! The airport is about 30 min from the house and the train station 40 min, both are easy in and easy out and very modern, well-kept and no-stress for the traveler. Take a look at what might be easiest – and come visit!
Bobby and I had come to the realization that it didn’t make much sense for me to come back to VA this week when we have so much still to do here at the house, and nothing specifically calling me back to VA yet. So, we decided I’d wait til the weekend after Easter, to spend that weekend in VA and then we’ll drive back up here together in his car after his last day – April 9th! So, it’s just me, the cats and the boxes (and the painters… funny how that last bit drags on the most…) for a while longer.
Having made that decision, we REALLY ran straight into the “now what?”
My recipe for the days has been a combination of – MAVA stuff, boxes, walking, keeping in touch with folks, pursuing a few new job-related ideas, and trying not to “wish this part away”. It has been so very long since I’ve had unstructured time, I don’t want to miss the benefits… even if it’s a bit of a stretch to call my current status a vacation. I’m just trying to be in the moment, be grateful for this “me-time” and to just embrace this “in between” phase. Totally not my strength, but definitely something I know I need, something I wished for back in VA, just some white space, some unprogrammed time. To think – but not overthink. It’s so weird, but I know it’s good… I just have to try very hard not to try very hard to make it something specific.
Behind the scenes, for those watching/worrying from afar, I am working on a next chapter on the career front. I’m completely happy to be of assistance to the MAVA team as needed, but it looks more and more like they’ll need me less and less thanks to the awesome-ness of Jason & Bennett, the new, energetic, creative and talented team who have come on board over the last few months. I’m so grateful to Jason & Bennett for giving their all to MAVA, and to Julia, to keep the good momentum going at MAVA. I’ve been working through a long list of personal notes to my MAVA peeps to let them know of my changing role and dramatically new location, and letting them know how fortunate they are to have the new & improved MAVA team there to assist. As for what I’m working on – I just don’t feel I can share the details, for fear of “jinxing” anything. So, eventually (and perhaps sooner than later) I’ll have the opportunity to surprise all of you lovely, indulgent blog readers… but until then, the topic of that process is going to be touched on only lightly and obtusely, while my front door is wide open for as many good thoughts and positive vibes as you can muster. I do have a vision for what might happen next for me… and I’m now just trying to make it a reality, as we’ve made the rest of this dream come true. Fingers crossed!
Last word on that, for now, my gratitude to my dear friend Ellen for the phrase which has become my mantra “that which is for you, will not go past you“. Plus, I loved the post of my wonderfully cosmic friend Natasha Hennessy about the blue moon. She wrote “full blue sap libra moon in the midst of the aries sun and mercury retrograde highlights peace, patience and beautiful balance. when you want to get things going/growing! relax. be open. have faith. go with the flow.” EXACTLY what I needed to hear!
So, back to last week…. hmmm. It was not exactly action-packed. Highlights included several awesome phone calls (Shannnon Steene of Carpenter’s Shelter and Hawley Rogers former Head of Oldfields School), a bunch of very supportive emails (I may need to capture them all in a post, just to remind myself of all the good wishes when the going gets tough), getting my New York State Drivers License, a good yoga class on Wednesday, a lovely walk & coffee with my friend Joanne on Thursday, and then a really fun trifecta of new people (Maura, Pat & Pat ) met at Five Points Market. Plus, I made the decision to go visit my dear bestie, KC, in Northampton for Easter Weekend… which gave me a goal to work towards around the house. I had a major unpacking frenzy seize me, at last, on Friday and felt I made a really good dent before my weekend road trip. Plus, I’ve started freecycling to get rid of the first (of many) things that simply do NOT need to find a home in our new home… hoping the boxes are claimed soon.
Saturday AM the kitties and I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise, then I went for a walk with a few little “Easter errands” around the neighborhood and prepped the house for my first few days away – having squared away the kitties new babysitter, Jess, to come on Saturday night and twice on Sunday. It was a gorgeous day for the drive, and I had a super fun chat with my bestie Diane as she and her family were on their way to spring a spectacular surprise on her kiddos for Spring Break. Then, arrived on a lovely afternoon in Northampton for a wonderful Easter weekend with KC, Kate & John – and extra special visit with Wawa and Charlie on their way home to New Canaan on Saturday. SO MUCH FUN! Photos below – more details in next post!