Happy Secretariat’s Birthday (48 years ago Big Red was born)!
Watch this and tell me you don’t get chills: Secretariat’s Belmont Victory.
I’m celebrating with a bit of reflection on the past few weeks while sitting here in crazy cat-lady fleecy PJs, sitting in the big leather chair, fireplace on, surrounded by cats, sipping tea….and not a box in direct eyesight. It’s good.
My, what a study in contrast this week to last.
From a rapid-fire finale of major seismic events the week of March 19th, to the dramatic down-shift to this week of just… being here and figuring out what that actually means. I’d actually started a post about the flurry of last week’s big events, but it felt more like a diary entry than anything really reflective and honestly, I was so exhausted by all of it, I didn’t have the oomph to make it vaguely interesting. Oh heck, “for the record” here’s a recap (I can’t help myself). Over the course of 5 super-intense days we made our way through the movers packing up the house, our awesome 21st anniversary dinner at KOMI, saying goodbye to 301 S Henry, bidding fond farewell to our good run in DC, and then the close on our sale, the drive with the kitties and the arrival of the movers. Phew! Special highlights in the midst of it all included a wonderful weekend staying at the lovely home of Julia & Kevin in Dupont Circle – such a treat, and lunching on yummy subs from Roma’s with Alyssa & Adam here in the new kitchen while the movers unloaded the trucks (two!) and flowers arrived from my dear dad. Photos below!
So, once we got through the big excitement of the movers on Tuesday, I shifted into the immediate post-move flurry (because I do love me some good flurry!). The backdrop for my busy week was a house full of boxes, cats captive in the bedroom with our awesome painting crew back at it (Bergan, Rodrigo & Jorge – they are now family). I was pretty much totally over-whelmed and in denial about the box situation, other than putting my bed (not on the floor anymore!) together so I just stayed moving – my favorite escape. I had a fun, full day on Wednesday meeting my friend Joanne for coffee, running errands and going to yoga, really liking that 6pm class with Jocelyn “flow and let go” (Yoga Mandali) followed by a good stint at Uncommon Grounds (and the super yummy tumeric latte) has been a regular refuge. Thursday I had a reason to shower – something I’m doing very rarely during this “in between” phase – to get ready for the “Brighter Future Gala” for Shelters of Saratoga at LongFellows. It was fun to go to someone else’s big fundraiser and to not know anyone (or have any responsibilities). I enjoyed perusing the silent auction and meeting Gail and her husband Russ, as Gail had done my volunteer screening interview for Shelters of Saratoga. I also met a nice guy, Larry, who is an active volunteer with the Franklin Community Center which sounds like another terrific organization that I might explore volunteering for. I bid on a couple things, won two, and thoroughly enjoyed my evening “out and about” (plus a fabulous sunset). Then, on Friday after a good solid morning of MAVA (TechBUZZ Feedback calls) I ventured out toward Battenkill to give blood, trying to make the most of these unstructured days (try being the operative word here). While I somewhat miraculously passed the iron test, and made my way through the transfer from VA to NY Red Cross records, I totally failed on the actual GIVING part… bummer. For my efforts I rocked two major bandages, one on each arm, plus a monster bruise on my right arm… and, sadly, not a drop donated. Next time! I consoled myself with a much overdue pedicure & a couple slices of ‘za from D’Andreas.
Just thinking through that big week wore me out (again), so I’m signing off for now, and will finish my ruminating in the AM. Good night!