Happy Valentine’s Day! I imagine my penchant for remembering dates will always remember this Hallmark Holiday as the eve before the eve of our big day – the day we (hopefully!) become homeowners in Saratoga. It doesn’t seem real yet – and for strange and inexplicable reasons we aren’t actually 100% confirmed to close on Friday, but we’re moving forward as if it’s going to happen. Here’s hoping.
Isn’t funny how we humans can find a way to sort of grouse and whine about even those things we’ve absolutely, positively been wishing for all along? It’s annoying really, and moreso when you hear yourself doing it. Thank goodness for patient, kind and forgiving friends who’ve been so sympathetic about my griping about the slow-roll we’ve been enduring for the past many weeks. And God love them for putting up with me when I then found it deep in my heart to dare complain when suddenly the whole process lurched forward this week and put me in the hot seat to finish “just one more thing” on the endless list of paperwork. Really, I’m so glad we’re coming to the end of this particular stage of the journey, but it is just hard on the nerves to practice patience (poorly) for so long only to then feel rushed and harassed here at the end. Ah well, these are problems one chuckles about when they are over. Definitely the small stuff.
So, how do we feel about all of this? Hmmmm… excited for sure, but I think a little more incredulous still. It’s literally the moment when our dreams and plans turn into our new reality – as residents of Saratoga Springs. I guess I wonder how it will feel when we drive back “home” to Alexandria with the keys to our new life in our hand. My guess is that it will mostly feel surreal… at least for a while. But the best kind of bizarre – the sort of “holy moly, what have we done?” kind.
Thought this was a timely quote to receive in my email today:
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream. Not only plan but also believe.” Anatole France
For now, to think about what to bring in the car tomorrow. Oh, and just in case, wish us luck!