Hi Friends!!
Here we are on the first Monday in June, watching game 4 of our CAPS in the Stanley Cup Finals after a very fun night out with our super-fun neighbors across the street, Frank & Tammy. Happy Hour at Prime at Saratoga National where we were introduced to bartender Sean, and heard a great review of a bunch of other favorite spots around town.
My goal for this month is to pick up the pace on my posts, so as to not inflict an further mega-updates on any of my patient peeps, and hopefully offer some slightly more interesting content than our simple, happy day to day. (And by the way LET’S GO CAPS (up 4-0!) as we go into the 3rd.)
A few interesting tidbits I have picked up lately, enjoy!
The story of two wolves (A very powerful Native American parable, shared at church this week)
Magpie saves the day! (A fun story shared by an Auzzie friend & fan of the Magpie)
Concept: 4 stages of happiness (from the Book I am reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin, and I’m also doing the Happiness Project Once Sentence Journal)
- Anticipate – I so agree!
- Savor – perhaps the hardest part, the test of being present
- Express – the naming makes it so
- Recall – possibly my favorite part (Le Bon Rue!), but it sure helps if you share the process with someone
Quote to Ponder:
“I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to mankind; but then I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learnt that inside every one of them there will always be both. The choice each must make for themselves — something no hero will ever defeat. And now I know… that only Love can truly save the world.” – Wonder Woman
Showcase of flowers – A collection of Snaps of Spring in Saratoga!
Ho’oponopono: click here to learn more
- I’m Sorry
- Thank You
- I Love You
- Please Forgive Me
So, with these random gems offered for my friends & family to enjoy, we turn our eyes to the Belmont on Saturday – my first official “business trip” and the first big Road Trip for the Maven and I from our new home.
I’m hoping that each & every friend of mine following the Triple Crown & Justify will join Bobby & me in watching, cheering & praying for safe travels for each and every beautiful beast as they make their way around Big Sandy.
Personally, I’ve had my heart set on Justify’s big beautiful blaze and pink nose since I first saw him – I am all in!
And, regardless of who you pick to win the race, I am choosing this post to make my personal pitch – intending to only ask once – for each of my friends/family & followers to help me launch my 2nd month at TRF with a spectacular show of support (every little bit helps a lot!).
Here’s the link to to donate & make it easy: Welcoming Kim Weir to the TRF
Contribution Options are:
- $35 for our 35th anniversary
- $150 for the 150th Belmont
- $2500 to sponsor a horse for a year!
The inspiring thing about the TRF is that we provide lifelong care for 750+ horses at the same time and that we deliver the powerful double bottom line benefit with our Second Chances programs — through which we save the horses, and simultaneously change the lives of the humans (inmates), who so many have forgotten.
While my big goal for the year focuses on major gifts, from corporations & individuals who are able to make sizable contributions, it would be FANTASTIC to show my new “boss” how engaged & enthusiastic my friends can be in helping me succeed! 🙂
And…as I wrap this up our CAPS have WON!! One More Game!! #ALLCAPS #LetsGoCaps
Bigs hugs!