There are no Ordinary Days

Hello Friends,

While I sorely tempted to provide another simple daily recap, sprinkled with juicy & fun tidbits from my day, today must be remembered as something special – as each day should, but today was one that was spectacularly sad for a family and a community connected to a beautiful, magical place in the Shenandoah Valley. My beloved Camp Strawderman.

Today the universe decided to send us a message to savor each day, each moment, each person, creature and opportunity.  Make the most of the day! Be grateful! Carpe diem!

My heart is with all of my friends from Camp Strawderman – those with whom I shared my childhood, those who remain in my life today, the strong women who brought me to Camp, who taught me at Camp and who gave me the space and the setting to grow into the person I am today – at Camp. My heart is broken for the loss we have all suffered through the tragedy of this day. đź’”

The Ideals of Camp Strawderman are
to make girls so happy they will share their happiness with others.
To make friendships which shall last through life.
To develop strong, healthy bodies
through regular exercise, good food,
and rest in the pure mountain air.
To create a love for God’s out-of- doors, and a reverence for his handiwork.
To bring out the hidden possibilities which lie within each girl and to help her find herself.

Goodnight circle